Nov 9, 2006

What a difference a win makes

For the first time in several years the Democrats have not called out their lawyers en masse to challenge an election outcome and call for recounts. Sometimes recounts of recounts.

There is a great article here titled: OK, Democrats: Time to show your plan.

Ouch. Did anyone get the license number on that speeding donkey that just flattened an elephant?

Memo to Democrats: Congratulations. Enjoy the champagne but take it easy on the freak dancing. Act like you've been in the end zone before. And call off the swarm of lawyers. It was a fair election (meaning you won).

Democrats have been chasing Republican cars since 1994. But it's not exactly clear if they finally caught one or just caught up after Republicans swerved into a ditch.

Now it’s time for the Democrats to show a plan. I mean a real plan for governing.

For the last twelve years the only Democratic plan was to get back in power. Criticizing and sharpshooting Republicans is not a governing plan.


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