Will the exit polls today be as flawed as in 2004?
The flawed exit polling in 2004 was so far off USA Today reported:
The 2004 numbers were the most skewed since joint exit polling began in the 1980s.
In 2004, National Election Pool (NEP) incorrectly projected victories for Sen. John Kerry.
Just what is the NEP anyway?
The National Election Pool was created jointly by ABC, AP, CBS, CNN, Fox, And NBC.
The NEP was intended to provide tabulated vote counts as well as exit poll surveys on election day.
Since all of the NEP participants, with the exception of Fox, have a definite liberal bias it is easy to realize why the exit polling, especially in 2004, was skewed in favor of Democratic candidates.
The results of exit polling in the eastern states can have an effect on voting in western states.
Here’s what happened in 2004:
In the 32 states with exit poll estimates for both a presidential race and a senate race, the average error on the difference between the top two candidates was 3.6 points in favor of the Democratic senatorial candidates.
The error was 5 points in favor of Kerry for president.
A classic case of liberals trying to influence the voting in western states by providing skewed exit poll results from eastern states.
Will it happen again this year? It probably will.
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