Stephen Hawking: prophet of doomsday

surviving sufferer from motor neurone disease
What would be your answer to the following question asked by the most famous scientist and physicist on the planet, Stephen Hawking?
’In a world that is in chaos, politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?'
There was an overwhelming response to Hawking’s question.
An astonishing 25,000 browsers rushed to give him their answers - ranging from "We won't" to "Somehow we will", and proposing solutions from banning nuclear weapons and tackling global warming to escaping into space.
The Cambridge professor, who has been said to sell physics better than Madonna can sell sex, seems to agree with many of them.
Professor Hawkins is the scientist who has been teaching the scientific world about black holes.
After nearly 30 years of arguing that a black hole destroys everything that falls into it, Hawking is now saying he was wrong.
Now he says that black holes may allow information within them to escape.
Do other scientists really understand and believe in black holes? Maybe they accept what Hawking says on the strength of his brilliant mind as they did with Albert Einstein 50 years ago.
Professor Hawking recently said the human race might have to establish colonies outside our solar system if it wants to protect the future of the species.
Link to the Prophet of Doomsday article here.
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