Nov 21, 2006

Tech meltdown at CBS Evening News

Since Dan Rather shot himself in the foot two years ago with his “fake memo” trying to embarrass the President, things have been going downhill at CBS News.

Rather was forced to step down as anchor of CBS Evening News in the spring of 2005. Bob Schieffer did a credible job of filling in until Katie Couric (pictured) took over last spring.

The Katie Couric era at CBS Evening News has not been stellar. Viewership has continued to slip most of the time since Couric stepped into the anchor chair.

What Couric didn’t need was a tech meltdown. It came anyway.



Flashlight - a case for holding dead batteries

Shin bone - a device for finding square edges on furnitre.

Nov 20, 2006

Alcee Hastings: most corrupt member of house?

Alcee Hastings (pictured) was a prominent South Florida attorney when he was appointed to the federal bench in 1979 by President Jimmy Carter.

Judge Hastings was later accused of taking a $150,000 bribe.

In 1988 Hastings was impeached by the House of Representatives and was removed from the bench by the Senate.

The terms of his conviction did not bar him from holding a future public office.

In 1992, four years after his impeachment, Alcee Hastings won a seat in the House of Representatives as a Democrat from Florida’s 23rd District, which he still represents today.

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House-elect, has the corrupt, impeached judge Hastings in line to be chairman of the powerful House Intelligence Committee.

As an elected congressman, Hastings does not need to apply for security clearance.

The position does not need a vote. It is an appointment that Nancy Pelosi can make on her own.

So now a corrupt, impeached judge is about to get one of the most prestigious and sensitive positions in Congress.


He couldn’t outwit the duck

A duck walked into a bar and said, "Hey bartender, ya got any grapes?" The bartender said, "No, I ain't got no grapes, get outta here." The duck left.

The duck came back the next day and said, "Hey bartender, ya got any grapes?" The bartender said, "No, I ain't got no grapes, and if you ask me one more time if I have any grapes, I'm gonna nail your feet to the floor!" The duck left.

The duck came back the third day and says, "Hey bartender, ya got any nails?" The bartender said, "No, I ain't got no nails.” The duck said, "So ya got any grapes?"

Nov 19, 2006

Republicans plotting to bring down Pelosi?

An article here says the Republicans are already plotting to bring down Nancy Pelosi (pictured) even before she becomes Speaker of the House in January.

Republican strategists plotting their party's comeback after it lost control of Congress have identified the "first lady" of Democrat politics as a key target in the 2008 White House campaign — even though she will not be running.

The Republican strategy is not only to undermine Mrs Pelosi's control of the House but also to associate her in voters' minds with Senator Hillary Clinton, the frontrunner for the 2008 Democrat presidential nomination.

Mrs Pelosi, 66, who is married to a multi-millionaire property investor, will become the most powerful woman in American political history when the new House sits for the first time in January.

As speaker, she ranks second-in-line to the presidency after Dick Cheney, the vice-president

Her embarrassing loss (reported here) during the Murtha-Hoyer vote last week has made it easier for her opponents to attack.

Square hare from Delaware

Is this just another entry in a Worth 1000 contest for photoshopped photos or did someone finally capture that elusive Square Hare from Delaware?